Womens Forum

Women always engender invaluable contribution to the society at all times. They play manifold roles in all spheres of life by overcoming hard circumstances. But most of their contributions remain unrecognized and unaccredited. Their multifarious talents go wasted.

To affirm the participation and to identify the potentiality of women, Be Friends Switzerland has initiated a Women’s Forum. This forum serves as a platform to create an awareness of their role among the Indian women working community in Switzerland.


Socially, women faced harassment and inferior status despite legal equality. The Forum creates awareness about the rights of women so as to prepare them to protect themselves from any sort of situation they need to face. Moreover, to instil values and the sense of responsibilities in building a healthy society, the valiant efforts of women are always praisworthy.


Women’s Forum is committed to protect the welfare of women addressing various issues which female facing in day-today life. It takes active steps to enlarge the space for participation of women in administration, cultural and social activities of the Association.
