Antony Jose Pellissery (Message-date-24.12.2011)

Dear Friends,

It is a great honour and privilege for me to assume the role as President of such an outstanding Organisation, BE FRIENDS SWITZERLAND. 

We have come a long way since we came into existence in 2003. The entire outlook of the Organisation has broadened considerably in this relatively short time. Those who have steered the Association along this dynamic road have done so much in a responsive and measured way, ensuring appropriate adjustment and continuity made in day to day affairs . Many people have contributed to this outcome, far too many people to mention here by name.

We have a strong strategic focus in the Organisation from the beginning itself. This shows that we are an Organisation strong on teamwork and it reflects the attitude of the Organisation which is very much on the move.

The Organisation plays a vital role in many important areas, helping to address societal problems and cultural exchange at large. Therefore, I commit to provide the leadership which the Association requires in order to achieve its objectives and implement its strategies, and commit to listen and respond to your needs as members and work very closely with our Executive Committee. 

An important priority for us is to enhance our inclusivity so that we better respond to the individual needs of members, are open and accommodating to the ideas of others, and continue the friendly relationship with other associations in Switzerland.

I look forward to working with you and receiving your suggestion and contributions, so that Be Friends Switzerland will remain on top of the list.

The year 2012 is very important to Be Friends because we are planning to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our prestige Organisation in an unprecedented way. I request all our members to join hands together to make the celebrations a big success.

On behalf of the Executive Committee I wish all our Members and families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012.


Antony Jose Pellissery
President, Be Friends Swizerland
Georg-Kempf Str. 57
8046 Zürich
Mob. 076 564 5112

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